Ebola, HIV/AIDS, Infections, barrenness and many other diseases are not naîve. They came as a result of disobedient to the law of the Lord. He commands that some animals should not be eaten, yet people disobey. He says that the Tortoise should not be eaten (Leviticus 11:29b), yet people see it as a delicacy. This brings about barrenness. Ebola is contracted through contacts with owl, bat, vulture, hawk and others. The Lord forbids them (Leviticus 11:13-20) Ebola is prevalent because we eat the above mentioned animals. He also says that we should not eat camel, swine, hare, et.c (Leviticus 11:4-8) These animals bring about HIV,infections and diseases. We suffer all kinds of ailment because the Lord says that we shall be unclean when we touch them (Leviticus 11:35,38-40) Some eat lizard, chameleon and snail as delicacy. The Lord forbids them (Leviticus 11:29-31). Our Lord is clean and we should be clean (Leviticus 11:45,1 Peter 1:16, Psalm 99:5). Let us not blame God for our disobedient. Obedience is better than sacrifice (1 samuel 15:22). Trying to cure ebola or HIV is a waste of time without obeying the will of God.